By Majeekahead
essex, England
i bought this off ebay at the begining of the year, and stupidly did'nt keep the tag or write the name down, i think it is a salix and can roughly remember that the variety was i think 'Nikiu or Nikko' something like that but can not remeber the middle bit (spec) does anyone know the full name for this it is quite a common plant. i am terrible for doing this as i always loose pieces of paper, tags etc.... this is why GOY is sooooooo fab - don't have to worry about loosing them anymore - as long as i manage to remeber to list them!
- 15 Nov, 2007
thanks wyeboy that would make sense, i have seen loads of them around and they are not big trees like a lot of willows they are usually pruned into balls or toparied and they have bright red stems in the spring and the new growth is pinkish, if that helps - i can't find it in any of my books but i see them everywhere growing!
15 Nov, 2007
I think it's Salix integro 'Hakuro-nishikii'. Round here, our local Nursery sells them as standards, grafted onto a stem. People cut them back in the spring and they soon grow out again with fresh coloured leaves. They have pinkish, cream and light green leaves. Does that make sense?. I'd have one if I could find the right space for it!!!
15 Nov, 2007
thanks spritz - that is defo the one now you've said it i remeber the name. well i was'nt to far off with nikiu - plant idents never were my strong point in floristy college lol
15 Nov, 2007
Now if you're REALLY organised, you start a database (using Works or Excel) and every time you plant something in the garden, you record it's botanical name, roughly where it has been planted, the date and where you bought it.
I've been doing this for several years as I grow a lot of unusal plants and open my garden - it means I can answer questions (provided I can remember what it is!)
15 Nov, 2007
Ah, Andrew, you are a techie! My simple system will just have to do...:-)
15 Nov, 2007
thanks guys! andrew, i am a florist - computers not my strong point! plus i only have a small garden, i know what most of my things are and i do try to research things - usally before i buy as i have a 2 1/2 year old daughter who is into everything and gets everywhere - i like to know that the things i have are not dangerous to her in anyway. but i have started to keep record of things on 'my garden' page of this website, have found it really useful! easy to use. my boyfriend did buy me a garden design programme for christmas last year so that i could design our garden! - i think that it has a data base thinging on there - but as you can see from my pic's the garden is designed and planted and the computer software still in the box! lol! - prefer to do some things the old fashioned way! - but thanks for all your help all of you much appreicated.
16 Nov, 2007
It looks like 'shrimp willow' not the botanical name of course, but so far I can't find the proper name.
15 Nov, 2007