United Kingdom
when do you stop watering popatoes
28 Jun, 2010
When the leaves are dying back, watering after then will make your potatoes grow out. Sometimes heavy rainfall can do this. (wishful thinking).
28 Jun, 2010
Dr B a lot of folk are asking about their potatoes and seems like they are slow this year. I am assuming because the soil was still below 4˚ when planted - thoughts?
28 Jun, 2010
My earlies were planted on the 7th. April with long chits on, covered with fleece as hard frosts were destroying in this neighbourhood. Our soil temperature here in the Woking bowl was about 9 degrees so in the North area wetter and colder conditions would have reduced growth. As it has been very dry and hot the tops have already died off, and I am lifting about 1 kilo per plant.
28 Jun, 2010
Thanks Dr B I know ours are no where near ready yet.
29 Jun, 2010
Our crops will be poor this year, we had a show of rain this morning but it did not even register on the rain gauge. The ground is now very hot and in some places is dried out to a foot deep.
29 Jun, 2010
Good grief - thank god I live in Scotland!
29 Jun, 2010
When you dig them up, our potatoes will get watered regularly until then. Realistically stopping a few days before we plan to dig so the soil isn't too wet.
28 Jun, 2010