By Samblundred
United Kingdom
Thank you all so much for responding. I have looked at some pics and it's a Vitis! Brilliant! So do you think I am ok to dig this up, do you think it will have huge roots? Thanks so much again.
28 Jun, 2010
Is this the climbing plant that's against your garage? It won't have tree-sized roots, and shouldn't be a great problem. Cut it back to ground level and remove all of the top growth first of all - the thickness of the stem at the base will tell you roughly how large the biggest of the roots roots are.
28 Jun, 2010
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Sam if you are responding to comments made on a question you asked please do so in the 'Answer this question' box so that the original posters will see and can make sense of. Putting up a separate post has us all wondering what the first one was about - we get so many I can'tremember who asked what most of the time.
28 Jun, 2010