By Jeffrey
Ayrshire, United Kingdom
do you nip side shoots off sweet pepper plants like you do with tomatoes
- 29 Jun, 2010
thanks.complete novice here.growing them on my window sill in flat.
29 Jun, 2010
The opposite, the advice is often to pinch out the leader to allow the formation of a bushy plant. Like Pamq I let them do their own thing and it works fine. Sometimes when the side shoots bear fruit the sheer weight can break them off if not supported but I've never tried growing them as a cordon. I suspect for the shorter season an amateur grows them, you get more fruit as a bush, though the professionals do have very tall pepper plants with at least some sideshoots removed.
29 Jun, 2010
no dont pinch out side shoots unless fruit is to heavy then remove fruits first. i grow peppers evry year and was always told to let them do their thing and it works i get lovely fruit.
29 Jun, 2010
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no I don't, if it has too many fruit i sometimes thin them out to get a bigger pepper but generally I let them do their own thing, I do put a cane in or some sort of support as the branches do get very heavy
29 Jun, 2010