United Kingdom
Do I cut my peonies back after blooming?
May be a silly question to those of you in the know. I havent had a garden in years and inherited one due to my husbands ill health, and a required move.
Although it is tiny, it was well stocked, although I have added lots to it, it is beautiful at the moment.
I have also inherited lupins, which have been magnificent. My neighbours are telling me not to cut them back, but I am not sure what advice to take, as some websites say just deadhead them until later in the year.
I am so pleased with my new hobby, but have a lot to learn.
29 Jun, 2010
Thank you so much for your answer, i hope the lupins do flower again, they were beautiful. I am not a lover of lupins, but the colours were spectacular.
29 Jun, 2010
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I cut down the flower stems but leave the rest of the leaves in place. same for the lupins cut out the flowering stems and you may get a second smaller flush of flowers later in the year.
29 Jun, 2010