By Rectory
I'm looking for colourful trailing perennials to plan on my terrace - which is, sadly in the shade - I want it to look like the gardens of babylon :-) - any ideas?
15 Nov, 2014
...and periwinkles are useful in this situation as well. :)
15 Nov, 2014
Creeping jenny (lysimachia nummularia), especially the form with golden leaves.
15 Nov, 2014 has lots of suggestions. Personally I would not plant periwinkles , Vinca minor or major, because one plant can spread itself across an area 8' wide. Unless you can contain it somehow you could find other plants disappearing under its ruthless march. Along with the other suggestions already given you could plant bulbs, ferns and hostas. Do spend some time googling the options and I look forward to seeing your creation in its different stages from planting through to maturity. Its a good idea to use annuals in between your perennials to allow them to grow to their full potential.
16 Nov, 2014
Some trailing begonias would liven it up a lot in the summer too as there are not many colourful training shade lovers! In Babylon they had rather more sunshine.
17 Nov, 2014
There are some lovely trailing Heucheras and tiarellas which don't mind shade at all. Have a look at Plantagogo website! :)
15 Nov, 2014