Discoloured honeysuckle leaves
By Dolallyally
United Kingdom
What is wrong with my honeysuckle? It was fine before the weekend but now I have returned to find some of the lower leaves discoloured yellow/pale green along the veins but with dark blotches around the edge. They fall off the stem easily and although the newer leaves look healthy I am concerned they too will become discoloured.
Can anyone give me an idea of whats wrong??
Thank you
- 27 Jul, 2008
There are no signs of aphids, the stems seem to be dying and the leaves are falling off at the bottom. I am not sure I will be able to stop it travelling up the stem I am trying to find out why it has happened as it looked so healthy just last week :-(
28 Jul, 2008
Is there any sign of aphids? My honeysuckle was killed by them last year - I didn't spray it.
28 Jul, 2008