Moving a Thuja Orientalis 'Southport'?
United Kingdom
The label on my Thuja Orientalis 'Southport' says it grows to 2ft, but it is now just over 3ft and too big for where it is. Can I move it; if so, when?
17 Nov, 2014
I had a good search around on this one and it seems to grow to eight feet, so you are wise to move it now! April is often a recommended time for moving evergreens, but as Derek knows what he's talking about I won't argue.
17 Nov, 2014
Hi Sue, thanks for the compliment, but I don't think of myself as an expert, but I've found that if you move evergreens in spring, you have to be very careful that the tree hasn't already started into growth, Derek.
17 Nov, 2014
I guess you have to time it right Derek! I don't know all that much about conifers, never haveing had any more than inherited hedges, (pesky things) but I do know they can be tricky to move, so best of luck with it Muddys.
18 Nov, 2014
Thanks everybody - much appreciated. I think it will be moved soon; watch this space next year!
4 Dec, 2014
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« If I'm going to do 1 thing- I'm tackling my hedge job as we speak, but...
Hi, welcome to GoY, Thuja orientalis has now been reclassified as Platycladus, a genus of 1 species, closely related to Thuja, move evergreens in their dormant period, usually november to end of february, this likes a moist, but well drained soil, in full sun, although they will tolerate a dry, free draining site, Derek.
17 Nov, 2014