By Supernan61
United Kingdom
Have just purchased a heuchera, the one with very dark red leaves, can you tell me what time of the year it usually flowers please?
29 Jun, 2010
Ouch! Did you get a name for your heuchera. There are literally hundreds of them. If you click on H in the alphabet at the foot of this page it will take you to the pages with items of interest beginning with H. Then click on Heuchera and you will find photos of 390 + heucheras. Lots of us share a passion for heucheras and so some of the 390 are of the same plant. Vicky1 is a member and she and her husband run a nursery specialising in H's. You often need to wait to see the flower colour before you can confirm an ID. I have some. They flower at different times between April and October.
29 Jun, 2010
mine are in flower now and some are just forming buds.
29 Jun, 2010