By Normarew
Middlesex, United Kingdom
what fertilizer (potash perhaps?) can I use to promote the growth (more leaves) on piracantha
- 20 Nov, 2014
Hi, welcome to GoY, whilst agreeing with the above, Pyracantha are not usually grown for the leaves, which can appear to be a bit sparse anyway, but for their flowers, and their later berries, so I wouldn't worry too much about the leaves, and just use a balanced fertilizer next spring, Derek.
20 Nov, 2014
Agree with Derek - something balanced like Growmore or Vitax Q4 will be fine, but don't fertilise now - do it next spring, as advised.
21 Nov, 2014
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Nitrogen for leaves, potash for fruit and flowers, phosphate for roots. Magnesium and iron make the leaves nice and green.
Ammonium nitrate is a quickly absorbed nitrogen source, hoof and horn is slow release nitrogen (keratin breaks down slowly). Personally I would use a balanced fertiliser (NPK plus trace elements) to improve the general vigour.
20 Nov, 2014