By Kelvin
I need help on my first gardening project. I wish to propagate lamium, variety chequers, It's the nettle family so I hope it will grow like a weed. I just need some simple advice and instructions on how to grow 72 of these plants from clippings I know nothing so I will need instruction on where to cut the clipping and how to plant them in potting soil. Then I need to know when they are ready to transplant and how to do that. I hope somebody wants to help a new kid get into this gardining world.
On plant
Lamium maculatum (varity; chequers)

30 Jun, 2010
Because your plant is growing in a gap in paving, you will need shallow pots or trays filled with compost to "peg down" the growths - you place them under the stems, push the stem into the compost and hold it down with something like a piece of bent wire (in a U shape, paper clip pulled out straight and then bent should do the job) pushed into the compost either side of the stem. That part of the stem should then form roots (keep the pots watered) - when it has, you can cut it from the main plant.
30 Jun, 2010
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you wont get 72 in one go from the plant in the photo mind.
I find if you peg a bit of bare stem down where there are leaf joints [look at the photo the stem that lies at 6o'clock has a suitable bit od stem coming off just to the right of the leaves] that will root. you could cut it at this place too and pot into potting compost. keep well watered until thay are rooted.
you need to chose non flowering stems too. So having a quick look at your plant I reckon there are about 6 suitable bits of stem that would making cuttings now.
hope this helps.
30 Jun, 2010