Dracunculus Vulgaris - Dragon Arum - Autumn care
Isle of Wight,
United Kingdom
I grew some of this this year although they didn't flower. The plant still looks healthy with long green shoots and leaves. Do I need to cut this back now to get new growth in the Spring, or do I leave well alone?
On plant
Dracunculus vulgaris
15 Nov, 2007
Thanks Andrew, Yes I do realise this beautiful plant has its down side........................TTFN
16 Nov, 2007
Hi Andrew. About the smell, I've read that it only lasts for a limited time, in your experience how long does it last, days or weeks?? Thanks
16 Nov, 2007
Just while it's in flower (which is not very long, two to three weeks if I recall) - it's attracting pollinators. As I don't have much of a sense of smell, it doesn't bother me!
16 Nov, 2007
Oh, that long eh?? I'll give it a go, if I don't like it i'll donate it to my toddlers nursery garden, kids love foul smelling things!!!
16 Nov, 2007
Hi Andrea, hope you don't mind me butting in, but i would check weather or not it is toxic before you let your toddler near it, i know that some Arums are toxic, not sure about this plant but i think it is related to Zantedeschia.
20 Nov, 2007
"The root is toxic, but has been gathered & processed by cooking & pounding to obtain edible starch called Arum Arrowroot, with which to pad out wheat flour in times of limited resources or famine." (The source of this information is -http://www.paghat.com/voodoolily.html). The plant has already been put in a large heavy pot with horticultural gravel on the top. I have lots of other fun stuff planned for the toddlers to do with seeds and herbs in the Spring so I doubt they will even get an opportunity to have any contact with the root of the plant. Thanks for pointing this out, I didn't think to check, but I've never come across any reference to toxicity whilst researching Dragon Arums.
20 Nov, 2007
i had a look actually last night in my book which gives info on toxic plants and there was no mention of it being a problem in there. i know what you mean tho i have a 2 year old and i do try to research everything in the back garden before i put it in, but a few things have slipped through the net, that i have later had to move to the front - she does'nt go out there because we live on a main road. but great minds think a like, i have just made her a little flower bed of her own and bought some really easy seeds sunflowers carrots etc... thought i'd let her have a go with them in the spring ... far better to keep them amused than let them amuse themselves i think! lol
21 Nov, 2007
I leave mine alone and the top growth disintegrates over winter and new growth comes through in the spring. I hope you realise that when it is in flower, it smells of rotting meat! (to attract the flies that polinate it)
15 Nov, 2007