United Kingdom
haw do you look after the plant cordyline
30 Jun, 2010
Not to much water , feed once a week , good soil ...a little potatsh now and then ....in winter if its realy cold protect it ...i had a 7 foot one and normaly they ok in winter but the harsh winter killed my one...the older it is the more frost resistant it will be.
30 Jun, 2010
I thought that too, about them being more frost resistant the older they are, but after I lost more mature ones over winter and small ones somehow made it through, I think it's just pot luck!! Also depends where it's situated.
1 Jul, 2010
Previous question
There's no a lot to it really, just water and the occasional tidy up of leaves. In my opinion, they're probably one of the most easiest plants to care for, requiring little attention.
30 Jun, 2010