By Steragram
United Kingdom
Garlic failure
First time growing this. Looked like a good crop. I harvested it and hung it up in the garage but now all the cloves have gone soft and yellow. What did I do wrong?
27 Nov, 2014
When did you harvest it? It has been a good year for Garlic (poor for onions).
28 Nov, 2014
Can't remember when I harvested it Botanic but it was pretty late in the season. Should I have waited until all the leaves had gone brown? Do they fall over like onion leaves?
Agro is fine Snoop as long as its towards the garlic and not me! Our younger son once had a garlic burger (!) and then went on the train - he got a compartment all to himself, in the days when you had small ones for 6 people. Apparently folk would open the door and immediately shut it again and look elsewhere. So garlic does have its uses!
29 Nov, 2014
Previous question
Thanks a lot Snoop!
28 Nov, 2014