By Westcote
United Kingdom
I have a nesting leaf cutter bee in the pot containing sweet basil in my greenhouse. It does not take it's leaf cuttings from any of the plants in the greenhouse and is not trouble to me when working inside. Will it help polinate tomato, cucumber and chilli plants? as I have not seen it do so yet
1 Jul, 2010
This website has amazing info on this solitary bee
Is the queen stil working on the nest or has she plugged it and left?
1 Jul, 2010
Some years ago I had rat tail cacti hanging in the ridge of a long greenhouse. The nest entrance was through the drainage hole, the nest is in the shape of a cigar. They came and went as they pleased, doing their own thing all over the estate, year after year.
1 Jul, 2010
ow wow i would feal privalidged to have such a bee lucky you .hello doc i hope your well mate .
1 Jul, 2010
I too would feel privileged to give a home to such a bee...
1 Jul, 2010
mother nature though a bit sexist lol is such a wonderfull thing isnt it moon grower ? xx
the woul be war if it was changed to father nature lol .
2 Jul, 2010
Just to say thanks Moon Grower the site you suggested was very helpful.
2 Jul, 2010
Also to Moon Grower I some how put the answer to your question into something called I am afraid all this is new to me.
2 Jul, 2010
no worries :-)
2 Jul, 2010
Previous question
looking forward to your reply.
1 Jul, 2010