Possibly Gladioli Could anyone be so kind as to identify this bulb
United Kingdom
Could anyone be so kind as to identify this bulb,
Scattered about the border and approx 10mm resembling
a hydrated anemone bulb? Although single leaf blade
Thank you
Thank you both for the suggestions. not scaled more corm/ cormlet. Perhaps this could then be Gladioli Cormlet or possibly a Gladiolus italicus seedling? Just had a clear out, no Gladioli in border so could be previous seasons.
Has anyone seen the like amongst your gladiolus ?
Thank you in anticipation
- 11 Dec, 2014
If they're "scattered" it suggests to me that they're on the surface and, therefore, probably more likely to be seeds. The absence of any root system is curious - I would expect anything with that amount of 'top' growth to have some sort of roots.
bulbils of some sort also crossed my mind. If you don't want the risk of something invading your border, how about planting a few in some pots and seeing what they turn into?
11 Dec, 2014
They would seem to have come from an adjacent plant(s). Do you have anything growing in the border that could have spread these seeds/bulbils/bulbs. Chionodoxa, perhaps?
11 Dec, 2014
Thank you Bulbaholic, I have inherited the border and therefore unsure of its history, do Chionodoxa bulbs not have much more of a paler skin? I am assuming it to be an early flowering bulb though as they are already well formed
11 Dec, 2014
doesn't look a gladiolus corm as they have a red/orange papery tunic like a crocus.
pot a few up and see what they do, would be my suggestion from here as I cant 'think' what they are.
12 Dec, 2014
Yes I agree, nothing like a Gladiolus corm, but after further investigation the cormlets from the G. italicus were visible as both light and dark in colour, the latter of which resembling the ones in my border. Yes of course obvious choice to pot up and grow on, will do. Thank you once again
12 Dec, 2014
Thank you for the suggestion snoopdog, but bluebells Esp the Spanish are often irregular and less spherical than these, much bigger too at leaf stage. I also think that perhaps rather too early for bluebells. Appreciate the input, regards
14 Dec, 2014
could you cut it in half so we can see the internal structure? when you do is it layered like and onion?
I don't know yet what it is but the leaf is certainly typical of a monocot but it could be a tuber or a corm rather than a bulb.
11 Dec, 2014