By Hotshot166
United Kingdom
I have grown some tomato plants, they are in pots and i planted them in a mixture of compost and grow bag compost.
Early in the year i dug in to my greenhouse some manure which came from our allotment bins, this had been left to rot in my bin for over a year. the plants started off really well, but now seem to have the leaves curling up and the top of the plants look like something from quatermass, the leaves at the tips haven't formed and just look like stalkes. I also have noticed that where I planted some potatoes they look the same. Any ideas please.
3 Jul, 2010
Blight manifests itself as fast appearing brown splodges on the leaves and stems of your plants (both tomatoes and potatoes suffer from this) If you have got blight then destroy the plants completely. The best way is to burn them but whatever you do DON'T put them in your compost as the disease will survive and re-appear in whatever you use the compost for next year!
3 Jul, 2010
Hotshot it is possible you have blight - could you post a photo of both the tomatoes and the potatoes. You can add them to your question.
3 Jul, 2010