By Judita
United States
How can I preserve my clementis climbing plant during the winter months. I have taken it indoors but I am not sure how to maintain it until springtime. What do do? Thank you. Judita
14 Dec, 2014
Agree with previous answer - we need the variety of clematis to answer properly, and preferably, your USDA zone.
15 Dec, 2014
But, don't suddenly put it outdoors in the cold now, if it's been indoors for a while.
15 Dec, 2014
Do you mean 'Clematis', Judita? Two issues: unless you're in the very coldest part of the USA, most Clematis will survive the winter outside in the soil. The caveat is that a few Clematis are not completely hardy. So, to answer you properly, we need to have more information.
15 Dec, 2014