By Kornos
United Kingdom
This morning we bought a couple of plants which apparently are called 'Organvillea' or Organvillia' presumably in the Bouganvillea family. The plant is about 9" high and has the same type of petals or bracts I think they are called as the Bouganvillea, the leaves are dark green oval-the flowers are small, white with a little touch of red. Sorry I can't send a photo but I don't know how! There were no labels or instructions with the plant but guess we have to treat it as we would Bouganvillea?!
Can anybody come up with any suggestions as to the origin and/or care of this plant? Please.
4 Jul, 2010
You know-I think you are right! Somebody misread the writing!
Thanks Moon grower-why didn't I see that?
4 Jul, 2010
I think whoever labeled them miss spelt the name and they are actually Bougainvillea
4 Jul, 2010