By Ismeval
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
This is the second year I seem to be losing my apples ! I have a small discovery apple tree in the centre of my small garden .... last year we lost a few apples because of high winds ... and this year we didn't get too many flowers as they were also getting blown off before they developed properly ... and now we have just lost around 6 small apples because we have had high winds here in the North East - is there anything I can do ? .... Val
6 Jul, 2010
That's a shame then cos I only started with about 10 ! .... thanks anyway .... Val
6 Jul, 2010
Val it sounds like there may be a problem with your tree, could you post photos - one of the whole tree and close up of a branch and fruit.
6 Jul, 2010
I will get a couple of photos over the weekend if I can find out how to add them here .... it is a healthy little tree - but quite small - and the few apples we did get last year were delicious !!
Just hoped for a few more :)
I check it regularly to make sure there is nothing on it and put one of the sticky anti-moth wraps round it earlier this year .... no leaves yellowing or curling - just healthy looking and the blossom which we did get was beautiful ... I will get some close ups for you - is there anything I should be looking for ? ....
many thanks .... Val
7 Jul, 2010
I have added a couple of pictures to my profile - so hopefully you should be able to see them there - ... Val
8 Jul, 2010
Yes I've replied to your pm
8 Jul, 2010
Not really Val and all fruit trees drop fruit at this time of year as they produce more than they can grow to full size. It is known as the June drop and the apples wont be much bigger than marbles.
6 Jul, 2010