By Kitten
United Kingdom
Yes its like a cluster of thick on the end of the vine. The colour is green. Many thanks for your time
6 Jul, 2010
just thought if you want anymore help add it below --- where it says 'answer the question'---and I'll get a notification
welcome to Goy--have a look at the blogs and photo's etc. its a friendly site whose only problem is its addictive, many a cake has been burned for the cause :o))))
6 Jul, 2010
Many thanks I already feed with Tomorite . Just one more question. How long and how fat will my cucumbers be before I can cut them they are very small at the moment and wondered how long and how much time on average until cutting.
6 Jul, 2010
they grow quite quickly--especially the mini ones, its possibly trial & error until you find how you like them best but i like to pick them small --but juicy , no more tha 1.5 inches across, the more you pick-- the more you get, i've had to start pickling mine to keep up!, not sure how long the vine will last at this rate!!! :o)
7 Jul, 2010
Many thanks for all your help Pama you have been very helpful. I don't know if you have ever had this problem CATS weeing on the flowers . I have lost no end of pansy because of this so I bought some very small cat pelletts with garlick in . Seems to have improved a lot, and that tom cat seems not to like the smell of garlick. Have a lovely day and thank you for your responce.
7 Jul, 2010
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« My "rosemary" has oval shaped leaves and tiny yellow flowers (planted the...
I think you should ( hopefully) find that its all the new growth clustered together ready to grow-- sometimes at a terrific rate with leaves tendrils and immature cucumbers growing have you supported the plant? when its the height you want take off the 'cluster' and then it will start to branch out with (hopefully) clusters on the end which again you stop when they have reached the length that you want. the plant will need regular feeding with a tomato type feed and lots of water .
becaue of this hot weather i think my cucumber plant is related to a 'triffid!!'
6 Jul, 2010