The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Derbyshire, United Kingdom

It cost 50p from the local day-care centre. No label or other ID. Any idea what it is, & what can I expect from it?
2 photo's to look at.
Thanks in advance :-)



the feathery folliage makes me think it is one of the yarrows. Achillea millefolium.
the non feathery plant visible in the bottom photo is a weed and nees removing.

6 Jul, 2010


Thank you for your reply. We thought it might have been some kind of fern,. My Good Lady liked the look of it. I have planted it in between rocks near the new steps. I guess It will have to be moved elsewhere. We wanted a bushy plant, evergreen & with a scent would be good. When I planted it, I was by myself & I just wanted it out of the way (Executive decision & all that), I have been told not to think...Seems she was right :-(

I have just looked at Useful site

7 Jul, 2010

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