By Docutech135
United Kingdom
My potato plants (growing in large black plastic pots) have been doing so well but now the lower leaves are turning yellow with brown spots eeek...What is it and what can I do to stop it. Thank you.
8 Jul, 2010
The photos are on page three, bottom row!
8 Jul, 2010
Hi guest from lancashire, have the problem where my plastic tubs are empty of any spuds at all, water them regular, but no luck, any view anyone....PS guest whey dont you join the club, no fee, good results to your quires, and, most enjoyable.
8 Jul, 2010
Carjam are your potatoes growing in the sun? Just about all vegetables need sunlight to do well, unlike ornamentals many of which are happy to grow in part or full shade
9 Jul, 2010
Thank you for all your answers. Guess what I HAVE POTATOES........Moon Grower you are right they are Earlie's and I emptied one of the buckets this morning and there they were little beauties, plenty to keep me going. I`m so excited.
14 Jul, 2010
There you go Docutech! Enjoy your tatties this evening :-)
14 Jul, 2010
If they are early potatoes then they are probably ready to harvest. Just lift one at a time. We lifted one Maris Baird this evening from the ground and got a good kilo of potatoes.
If they are a main crop then you need probably need to water more. You could also check Ian-digs2 photos for images of blight.
8 Jul, 2010