By Donnaj1dlh
Can you help me identify these plants please? They've been 'donated' to me but I don't know what they are!

8 Jul, 2010
Yes, I agree.
Common name for photo 1 is St Johns Wort.
8 Jul, 2010
Photo 1 is , rose of sharon, Hypericum.
not sure of photo 2 ?
and 3, is smoke bush,Cotinus.
9 Jul, 2010
The number 2 looks like a will produce white flowers eventually. :))
9 Jul, 2010
I thought no 2 might be mock orange, is that right ?
9 Jul, 2010
Should i pick off the bad leaves on the hypericum or will it be ok - is it scorched or maybe winter damage?
9 Jul, 2010
The Hypericum needs planting out, or putting in a much larger pot - if its H. 'Hidcote' it will get large and is semi evergreen, so choose your spot carefully. Remove any dead or dying growth when you repot/plant. The Cotinus in the bottom picture (C. coggygria 'Royal Purple' is probably the variety) is another large shrub, deciduous, and needs to come out of that pot asap, its much too small for it. If the middle one is Philadelphus, that's another biggie, needing a fair bit of room in the ground, again deciduous. Not certain it is Philadelphus, but can't think of anything else it might be.
9 Jul, 2010
Could the middle one be a virburnam?
9 Jul, 2010
Mock orange is the common name to the Genus 'Philadelphus'
11 Jul, 2010
top one looks like hypericum, next looks like a philadelphus, and the 3rd looks like cotinus, well on my screen they do...
8 Jul, 2010