By Murphy123
United Kingdom
Havent got camera at moment the leaves are curling then dropping off
9 Jul, 2010
No not that little white bugs under leaves and on stem only attacked hydraneas
9 Jul, 2010
I answered your other question, but here's a different response - I'm wondering if its Hydrangea scale, which does look like lots of little white eggs all over the plant, but not exactly larvae. I also read that hydrangeas are sensitive to some pesticides, so not sure what to tell you to get other than to say don't spray when the sun is on the leaves, and advice is to soak the plant well before spraying with anything. Maybe you could google Hydrangea scale to find pics - if it is scale, it doesn't kill the plant, just causes reduced vigour and loss of some shoots.
9 Jul, 2010
10 Jul, 2010
10 Jul, 2010
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Hi Murphy which plant/shrub/tree are you saying the leaves are curling and dropping off of? Could well be lack of water whatever it is.
9 Jul, 2010