By Sophiem
United Kingdom
This isnt a gardening question so I dont know if I will get told off for putting this on here but Im sure a few members live in the same area as me, Norwich, and Im desperate!
Our cat Clive is missing. He is an 11 month old, micro chipped cat with a few white hairs around his neck. It is very unusual for him to be missing as he is a clingy little boy who is shy of strangers and afraid of cars.
He was last seen at 10pm on Tuesday 6th July at his home in Eade Road.

10 Jul, 2010
you may find that you get more response if you do it as a blog there are so many questions at the moment that it could easily be missed, many people on Goy are animal lovers and could give good advice and support, so very sorry he's missing, my friend young cat went walkabout in the hot weather a couple of years ago and came back after a couple of days, hope you find him soon
10 Jul, 2010
hope you find him soon
10 Jul, 2010
id check all the rescue centres and vets that are even remotley close to you as cats can do the strangest things .i went for a drive once and when i stopped a cat calmly stepped out from under the bonnet and ran of.
10 Jul, 2010
As Pam says, you may get more response if you do this as a blog. Hope you find him soon Sophiem...x
10 Jul, 2010
I hope you find him, he is lovely. x
10 Jul, 2010
me to .
10 Jul, 2010
10 Jul, 2010
Check any empty houses nearby, if they have the builders in. Our cat wondered in one day, got scared then trapped inside. When he heard our voices he flew to the window meowing. I hope you find him x
10 Jul, 2010
your welcome id be besides myself if it was my pet youl find your cat all you can be is posative .
11 Jul, 2010
There is a bulding nearby builders are working on but my husband thinks he would have gotton out easily so we havent bothered checking but maybe I will now.
12 Jul, 2010
Good luck Sophie, hope you find him!
12 Jul, 2010
I don't mind if it's not a gardening question Sophiem, I do hope you find him soon.
10 Jul, 2010