By Doddy555
United Kingdom
there is rose coming from next door garden, can i take cutting? if so how? step by step please never took a cutting before?? :o)
10 Jul, 2010
If you want to take a cutting from a rambler or climber, try this method, it worked for me. Take a long new piece with no flowers. Cut into lengths about 9 inches place in a jar of water in a shady place, after some weeks roots will form, in about October plant them in a good compost water in but DO NOT over water through the winter. I will post a photo of a lovely rambler called 'Blushing Lucy', I took the cutting last July and as you will see it is growing well and even flowering this year.Another method is spade them into a sand filled trench and forget them for a year or two.
10 Jul, 2010
thanks so much for replys :o)
10 Jul, 2010
Previous question
« should i leave this where it is? are plant it in ground?thanks :o)
Hi Doddy-- you see the search box in the top right hand corner type 'taking cuttings' into it and there's lots of help by all means ask questions when you've had a look. There are so many ways to take cuttings at different times of year and for different plants --- its a fascinating hobby--- and you always take more than you need as they don't all take and some plants are hard to get to grow and some easy-- I've a book about an inch thick just on taking cuttings!!
10 Jul, 2010