By Edbranch
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
My Brussel Sprouts have all opened up on the plants straightaway instead of staying tight buds. The plants look healthy enough and have grown well. Anyone know why this may have happened please?
18 Jan, 2015
Thanks Owdboggy, I'll try your suggestion. Not all the plants have 'blown' so we won't starve yet.
18 Jan, 2015
Usual reason for Sprouts 'blowing' like this is that the plants were not planted firmly enough. My old gardening guru said "Plant 'em wi' an 'ammer" Or the strong winds we have had have rocked the plants loosening the roots.
All is not lost, you can still eat them. Treat them like small cabbages, they taste just the same. We often stir fry ones like this.
18 Jan, 2015