By Gnarly_gnome
I am after a Outdoor grape variety green & black for suited to the UK growing conditions it will be grown in the ground and trained up a trellis that leads on to the decking it gets full sun from 1.00pm till sunset UK
Any advice appreciated
24 Jan, 2015
I meant a green grape or black grape variety
24 Jan, 2015
Hi, it doesn't really matter what Vitis you get, they're all fully hardy, what matters is how much sun they get, and for how long, as to whether you can get a good crop or not, this is why they're usually grown with the roots outside a greenhouse, and the vines inside, to give the grapes a better chance of ripening, so just look through a catalogue, and take your pick, Derek.
24 Jan, 2015
I knew that really, lol. Try sending a PM to DavidS who has 25 vines and knows a lot about growing them both inside and out.
24 Jan, 2015
Sorry Derek, must have crossed - yours wasn't there when i wrote mine.
24 Jan, 2015
thanks both
Phoenix (white) and Rondo Red
both new varieties and look promising
DavidS thought would be of practical use but dont know how to contact him
25 Jan, 2015
Have sent you a PM
25 Jan, 2015
Hi Sue, I probably started typing before your first comment, I don't know which is worse, having a small key pad on the tablet, or having letters missing on the laptop, an having to check every word, and still not seeing every letter that's missing, but I have tol Curry's that I want a refun on my tablet, because they've gone over the 14 day repair guarantee, so now just waiting for a refund code, then I can put it towards a new laptop, Derek.
25 Jan, 2015
Frustrating Derek, I thought you were sorted. Can you stick bits of sticky label on the keys and write the letters on?
25 Jan, 2015
Hi Sue, it isn't that the letters have worn off, it's when I press the letters, they don't always come up, particularly the 'd' and the 'f', andsometimes I don't notice until it's too late, which sometimes makes the comment look as though I'm illiterate or can't spell correctly, you're right, it is frustrating, hopefully not for much longer now, Derek.
25 Jan, 2015
OK. Note from me to me: Derek is not illiterate and can spell... now carry on typing!
25 Jan, 2015
Thanks for that Sue, lol, at least someone realizes it, Derek
25 Jan, 2015
I thought Green and Black was chocolate...
24 Jan, 2015