By Mollyat61
United Kingdom
I have moles in my garden in a border which I have young plants and lots of spring bulbs. can I use jay's fluid or will this harm bulbs and plants and would it harm my grass
26 Jan, 2015
Its a common problem! Put Moles into the search bar at the top and have a look at replies to other peoples' questions on the subject -Many and various ideas, but I don't remember any of them mentioning Jeyes. I think if they hate it they will just make another tunnel somewhere else.
26 Jan, 2015
That's why I said it 'might' deter the moles... very little does. Works for badgers though you soak the cloth and hang it up where the badger is getting in - at least it worked for us.
26 Jan, 2015
Thank you both, this is a great site, so glad I found you. I will do as you ask steragram and look at what others have to say, I will also try putting jayes fluid on a rag and bury it in the run if I can find it, worth a try!!!
By the way I got this info about jayes fluid from a horticulture site
PS; looking forward to interesting times with you all regarding my garden as it evolves, it being very new.
26 Jan, 2015
welcome from me too Molly. thankfully never had a mole problem but lots on here have. good luck with scaring them away and don't forget to add pictures of your garden as it evolves.
27 Jan, 2015
Welcome to GOY Molly we had a mole in our last garden somebody told us to wack the ground hard with a spade and at the same time shout at the Mole to go and find another home , we felt such idiots doing it but do you know it disappeared and didn't come back ... Coincidence .Maybe ! Lol ....
27 Jan, 2015
Moongrower did your badger stay away or just find another way in? Ours has worn a track diagonally across the back lawn so we can see we where he comes in but the bank is open all the way along so Jeyes in one place would just mean he'd move up a few yards I fear. (Sorry to hijack your blog Molly)
27 Jan, 2015
He stayed away Stera but we think that was, in part, because the farmer ploughed the field and he lost his bearings.
28 Jan, 2015
I reckon we'll just have to live with it then.
28 Jan, 2015
Probably... not easy to get rid of them once they've taken up residence!
28 Jan, 2015
To you all,
I have read all the interesting comments, and have taken a look at what others have done to chase the moles away.
being the person I am I wouldn't do anything to harm the little critter.
I am going to take Amy's advice, (did you read her reply)
I shall warn my neighbours first, lock the dogs, (Molly and Ghilly) in the house, I wouldn't want them to witness my antics,
If my nearest neighbour agrees I will ask him to get a photo of the procedure.
Mind you I haven't made many friends yet since I moved into this new house and I bet you are all thinking that after the performance that Amy has suggested, I wont be making
many more.
29 Jan, 2015
Good luck in your new home Molly I'm sure you'll soon make lots of friends with your sense of humour I can't wait to see your photos ,don't forget the camouflage gear you don't want him to know you are coming :o))
29 Jan, 2015
I think a video would be better than a photo though - put it on You Tube so we can all see you shoudting and banging!
29 Jan, 2015
Hi Molly and welcome to GoY. If you put the Jeyes Fluid on a piece of material and bury it in the moles run it won't hurt your plants and bulbs and 'might' deter the moles.
26 Jan, 2015