By Rosemont
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me what has eaten all the little buds off 2 Azaleas its the first time this has happened and I have had them for years, it looks as if the end of each branch has been sliced off.
2 Feb, 2015
Are the azaleas dwarf ones? Are they in pots ? Are you in an area where rabbits are a problem?, could the problem be squirrels, I say this because last year I noted squirrels climbing up a Sambucus nigra and taking off the flower buds other than that could wood pigeons be the problem?
2 Feb, 2015
my first thought was pigeons followed by rabbits/squirrels.
3 Feb, 2015
wood pigeons, only they like small buds or flowers.
3 Feb, 2015
I do have wood pigeons in my garden, and have had for years so just wondered why now? I dont get rabbits or squirrels although my garden backs on to fields! But it is a walled area so its usually just birds I get. My Azaleas are in pots and have been so beautiful year after year, so really disappointed. Would you think they will survive? Thankyou for all your replies.
3 Feb, 2015
if its large it should cope,but due to the fact its winter,the food sources are scarce birds will eat anything edible (even eat from rubbish bins)
3 Feb, 2015
I do realise this but I have had them for over 14 years and its never happened before. I suppose I have just been lucky. Thanks for the reply.
4 Feb, 2015
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« I have some fushia plants when would it be a good time to prune ?
Could you put up a photo Rosemont
2 Feb, 2015