By Hywel
Please does anyone know what I can do about a Crassula ovata (Jade Plant) which is loosing it's leaves.
It is in a light conservatory which has a radiator, but it isn't by the radiator,
and it is kept dry during the winter, but it has lost more than half its leaves.
Every time I touch it several more leaves fall off :o(
13 Feb, 2015
Did you check for any kind of infestation Hywel? Also are the leaves shriveling up before they drop off?
13 Feb, 2015
Just had a look on google Hywel and there seem to be several articles dealing with this - hope one of them can help.
13 Feb, 2015
Mine has a lot of yellowing leaves now,and a few shrivelling up,but it does this every year,so I put it down to them being the older leaves,so I regard it as normal,at this time of year..Do you have new ones appearing lower down the stems? Mine has got a lot on,so I don't worry about what I call natural dropping of the older ones..
When we were at our other house,it was kept in the lounge,which got warm,and it was fine,and now it is in the cold,and I think it's been better ..I would follow Sue's advice and check it on Googl.Sorry I can't be of further help,Hywel..and I hope you can solve the problem..
PS.Just checked Crassula Ovata on Google that Sue suggested,,and it's very helpful..especially,the first three websites,,I didn't need to look past those..One article also states what makes them come into flower..looks like it happens on maturity.or a period of cold..At last,I've found the answer for mine !! thank you Sue,I never thought to check it out before :o)
13 Feb, 2015
Happy to help - especially as I didn't know the answer myself!
14 Feb, 2015
It's taken me long enough too..For the past few years,I've posted a photo of mine in flower,and almost all the comments asked why mine,and not theirs,so it's helpful to everyone..:o)
14 Feb, 2015
Thanks for all your replies. I'll have a look later :o)
14 Feb, 2015
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Tricky might just be going through a winter "moult" I used to look after interior landscapes etc and the seasons are reversed....summer brings shade, air con etc where as winter brings heating and additional lighting.
Gradually increase the watering and see how it develops through the next couple of months
13 Feb, 2015