By Pinkpug
United Kingdom
I am looking to find plants that will grow in stones as my sons grave is impossible to put soil as when they cut the grass it taks root. Please can you give me some suggestions as to what I can plant.
14 Feb, 2015
I'm assuming there is some loose soil on the grave currently, which is why grass grows in it. If that's the case, can you get some weed membrane, lay that over the top to cover the soil, make cross cuts to plant through with whatever you choose, and then apply stones on top of the membrane and around the planting? Is that something that could be achieved? If so, then we need to think about what you might like to plant - it needs to be drought resistant to a degree.
14 Feb, 2015
You may find it easier to go with the flow and grass most of it, leaving a small bed at the headstone end where you could plant eg a rose or a small variegated evergreen with bulbs for spring. Many cemetaries these days insist on this anyway as it greatly simplifies the grass cutting and makes it easier to keep the place spic and span. As the area ages this looks much better too than the old kind of stone surround and if there is a period where for any reason you are unable to go as regularly as you would like it remains tidier for longer.
When you say stones do you mean that the ground itself is very stony or that you were thinking of a layer of gravel or pebbles?
14 Feb, 2015
Thankyou for your responses. The grave is surrounded by edging stones, i have put gravel on it. I have tried to leave it grassed and i planted a small bush but when i went down one time they had cut into it, it is only a small baby grave so what ever i have tried to plant it is awkward for them to strim round without doing damage
15 Feb, 2015
Spring bulbs are nice and low growing spreading summer flowers like campanula, hardy geraniums etc are easy to care for
15 Feb, 2015
Thyme would be a ideal choice and comes in a selection of colours very low growing.
15 Feb, 2015
Spring bulbs - mini daffs, crocus etc. and annuals for summer - but please make sure with the cemetery people first. They will have rules (unfortunately) that are intended to help with the upkeep of the graves and graveside and to avoid the place becoming a hotchpotch - although most tend to be more relaxed if there is a children's area set aside.
15 Feb, 2015
Yes, I was going to suggest having a word with the groundmen who do the upkeep, explain your problem and ask what their advice would be. This is bound to be an emotive question for you and they shoud be understanding. You've probably had a look around to see what works on similar sites too? though hopefully there won't be many of them. Many cemetaries now insist that the whole area is grassed so it can be mown and kept neat but it sounds as though yours doesn't ask this.
15 Feb, 2015
First see what others have done as far as gravesite plantings go. Second, you may and probably must discuss this with the cemetary groundskeeper and or manager who will surely have some good permissible suggestions for you. Each cemetary has its own specific rules and regulations with regards to this subject of gravesite plantings and remembrance decor.
14 Feb, 2015