By Laurapaulin
United States
We have a Betula Jacquemontii tree that is now five years old in our front yard. We have not had any borers or problems with it so far. We have a red maple in the back yard just one year old that got a borer in it last year and not sure if it will make it. Half of the bark is missing on the spot where the borer ate into it, we treated it with a black goop and wrapped it for the rest of the year. It's leaves turned red even though it was summer time and it looks like it has new growth on it now. I'm in such hope that it will live. Do you have any advise for me to do to help keep it going?
16 Feb, 2015
Good advice Derek! I wondered what was meant by Borer...I thought perhaps Laura meant a Leaf Miner, but clearly it is something quite different that I'm glad we don't have!
18 Feb, 2015
Hi Karen, me too, Derek.
18 Feb, 2015
Hi, welcome to GoY, fortunately we don't have ' borers' in the uk, but we have members all over the world, but if you don't get an answer in 2 or 3 days, try sending a private message to 'Tugbrethill', he is a master gardener in Arizona, he should be able to help you, or he may just see this question and give you an answer, jut type the name into the search box near the top of the page, and you will get lots of things relating to comments he has made, just click on 1, then go to his profile page, then you will see an option to send a private message, Derek.
16 Feb, 2015