when to collect seeds
west yorkshire,
United Kingdom
when is the right time to collect seeds. I have dead headed the flowers but the seeds are still green. Do i leave them attached to the plant or do i remove the entire head and store them till they turn the right colour? seeds such as cornflowers convovulus petunis viola etc?
2 Aug, 2008
thanks for your reply, much appreciated, sorry about the delay in replying back i have been extremely busy.
i was a bit reluctant to wait for the pods to open as with all this wet weather i have noticed some of the seed heads are goiing mouldy while still on the plant. thanks again anyway.
25 Aug, 2008
Leave them on the plant and wait until they are ripe. As an example, Viola seed pods open up and you can see the tiny seeds inside. Collect the seeds from the plant by cutting the head off over a paper bag and shake the seeds to the bottom of the bag, store them in marked envelopes. I don't think they wll ripen if you cut the heads off - they'll just curl up and die!! lol. Seriously, green seeds are not ripe and will not germinate, they will just go mouldy.
2 Aug, 2008