By Halliwell
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have a large begonia tuber which I keep frost free in the winter and wondered if it would be easy to split
21 Feb, 2015
Thanks I will try that
21 Feb, 2015
that's the way I have done mine in the past . Keep them on the dry side to prevent the tuber rotting.
21 Feb, 2015
you can also take cuttings , wait for the new new shoot to be 3 to 4 inches high and then you carefully twist of the corm and pot into fresh multipurpose compost helps it root away quickly , but you will need bottom heat, you can get quite a few from a old corm. and if you leave 3 on will still have a good display
21 Feb, 2015
Thanks a lot for your advice
21 Feb, 2015
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The way I divide mine (there may be other and better ways) is to start them into growth and when I can see where the new shoots are, cut them leaving at least one shoot on each piece, dust the cut edges with sulphur powder and leave overnight to dry, then re-pot and grow on in the usual way.
21 Feb, 2015