By Helpmeplez
United Kingdom
have asked for advice on how to eradicate wild garlic,garden is over run ,h
26 Feb, 2015
If you type 'wild garlic' in the search box to the top and right of the screen you will find a wealth of advice and information on eradicating this... good luck it isn't an easy job!
26 Feb, 2015
In the meantime try a leaf in a ham sandwich - wonderful!
26 Feb, 2015
good thinking sg x .
26 Feb, 2015
thank you to all who answered my shout for help ref wild garlic,it seems the best advice would be to concret ,bury it
2 Mar, 2015
well that's one way though not very pretty . you could get some nice sets, bricks etc ow and maybe a feacture pond or something . have a ham sandwich while you think about it lol . your welcome by the way .
2 Mar, 2015
Previous question
I would get some garden membrane and just cover the lot as it wont be able to synthesize . did it come from next door ? if so you mite have to keep the membrane and just plant in it . you could dig it up and get every last bit of root but weed killer isn't going to work but if it does you will have to weight for the ground to be safe . im know expert but ive answered to the best of my ability ok ?
26 Feb, 2015