By Seanhall
United Kingdom
Hi I'm creating a jungle garden does anyone know where I could get some tranchycarpus large palms I'm after 20 at 2.5 m clear trunk hight thanks in advance I thanks for the replys I'm thinking of importing them because the uk is a bit expensive but not sure which country would be best ?my Palmshop is cheap thanks , I did see the large Palm for free on eBay but someone beat me to it also it was a long travell but still a bargain I'm keeping my eyes pealed , I was thinking of going to a plant auction but not sure if there will be many Palm trees!!
27 Feb, 2015
Architectural plants
27 Feb, 2015
The RHS website lists 40+ suppliers up and down the country, most of those do mail order, and there are nurseries and GCs that don't list themselves with the RHS, so it would seem that you won't be too far from a supplier - whether any one place would have the size and quantity you are looking for is another matter (best kept between you and your bank manager I would suggest!)
27 Feb, 2015
urban jungle Norwich Norfolk have a great web site and some amazing plants .
27 Feb, 2015
Mypalmshop will be cheaper than the above given the Euro to GBP exchange
Urbanjungle is good and they have an up to 50% off sale in very early January (Trachies tend not to be that low in price).
Nigel at Hardypalms in Bristol grows them from seed in the UK, so they are more hardy:
27 Feb, 2015
You should also look at ebay - here is a 3m tall Trachie for free if you dig it up:
also try gumtree
27 Feb, 2015
Botanic's EBay answer might save you more than importing and you won't have import issues to contend with - importing plants isn't like bringing in a couple of boxes of wine! And I doubt if you could import such large specimens significantly cheaper than the retail price when you've. Added import duties, shipping, road freight etc onto the purchase price.
28 Feb, 2015
I agree with urbanite .
28 Feb, 2015
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Goodness, that's an awful lot of money - The Big Plant Nursery is the place to look at, its in Berkshire, but they do online as well - although for the size of Trachycarpus you want (240mm plus, £400 each) you'd need to ring to discuss delivery. Just google Big Plant Nursery and it should come up. And I assume you're aware that mature, large plants don't always take well to being transplanted, unlike their younger siblings.
27 Feb, 2015