By Pwassom
United States
Will Pathos and peonies grow well in North Texas?
7 Mar, 2015
7 Mar, 2015
Aw shucks Steragram I was expecting to hear that question from Pwassom. I will translate the western american colloquialisms given in my answer to this USA resident.
Pard= partner= friend
Tenderfoot= usually a person who is not experienced to the western American way of life.
Alfalfa despirado= what cowboys commony called a farmer. In this case I meant it to refer to a gardener.
BIG country= No, not the Scottish rock band. This refers to the expansive American west.
Pan handle= if you look at a map of the state of Texas it has the shape of a frying pan with the handle of the pan at the top (north)
Six shooter= a six chambered revolver usually 44 to 45 cal. Used by the gunfighters of the old west.
BIG NOSE KATE= Her real name was Mary Cummings. Saloon owner, prostitute and common law wife of Doc Holliday the tubercular dentist turned gambler and gunfighter who along with friend and sheriff Wyatt Earp did the outlaw Clanton gang in at the gunfight at the OK Corral in a town called Tombstone Arizona.
Of course my answer was tongue and cheek. But the questioner being from Texas should have grasped most of its meaning.
Oh, forgot one:
That dog don't hunt= means it is not going to happen. I was referring to the fact that Pothos ( which came up as pathos due to the questioners spell checker) could not survive outdoors in the north Texas growing zones and could be only grown indoors.
8 Mar, 2015
Oh, yes- <|:/ was my crude attempt to make a cowboy wearing a Stetson Hat with a mean look on his face. Why all this delerium? See my most recent blog. We have been in a deep freeze, iced and snowed in for two months now and I am suffering from an acute case of cabin fever. Looks like everything is starting to roll where you are and here nothing yet... Not even one crocus have I seen:(
8 Mar, 2015
Previous question
Well Pard, I'm gonna beat these UK tenderfoots to the draw on this one. Your sparse question will have probably left these alfalfa desperados from across the pond in a dry gulch as far as coming up for an answer. When you talk Texas your talk'n BIG country. I'll figure that north Texas either means the panhandle Amarillo area or the north pan Lubbock area. Both these areas cover USDA growing zones 6 and 7. Peonies grow in zones 3-8 so they're ok but Pothos grows in zone 10-11 so that dog won't hunt. Ok, let's hitch up our horses, check in our six shooters, hang up our spurs, head over to the saloon and get our whistles wet downing a couple of shots of rye whiskey.. I'll be slappin money on the bar....only keep your eye off of Big Nose Kate the bar girl - she's an old friend of mine <|:/
7 Mar, 2015