By Sincerity
United States
Some sort of animal is going in to our garden at night, and have rooted all the primroses up. What is this and what can we do- it is not a squirrel looking for nuts because the large hoof marks on the soil prove this
7 Mar, 2015
Deer usually don't like primrose but if they have a low food supply they will place it on their menu until something more appetizing pops up. It would help if you give a little more info as far as what state you live in etc. in order to zero in what hoofed animal it is. Thank You.
7 Mar, 2015
Can't you identify the animal from its hoof prints? Or keep watch one night from the house with the lights turned out.
8 Mar, 2015
Moose, Bigfoot?
8 Mar, 2015
depends on wear you are but hoof marks make it a deer id of thought .
7 Mar, 2015