By Johnkeogh1
United Kingdom
"Traditional Irish gardening"
Anybody heard of:
It's an old fashioned method of opening virgin ground,basically you cut-out and turn the turf(grass)over on its back (upside-down)and say 2' or say 3' feet away do the Same turning the turf towards the previous turf forming a 2' or say 3' Ridge obviously you then have a Ridge (mound) with a trench
13 Mar, 2015
John, might I suggest that in this instance 'turf' does not mean 'grass' but peat and heather. This is the old method used by crofters in both Ireland and Scotland to make 'lazy beds' for growing food crops on. The reason for doing this is because the peaty soil was poor in nutrients and very wet; water would drain away along the trenches. Compost, animal manure or seaweed would be spread along the top of the beds as a fertiliser. You can still see the remenants of these lazy beds in the Western Isles and they would have been the origin of the current craze for raised beds.
13 Mar, 2015
Useful information, The poor soil and drainage reason makes lots of sénse. Although where I saw this method being used as a younglad it was in areas NotBog but very fertile and good grassland...I have often wondered if it were being used to save hard handwork skinning the turf hence being called Lazy Mans Gardening or if there are other reasons? Any comments or tips accepted as helpful
13 Mar, 2015
Thanks David
It all makes séance ie the drainage and poor soil etc
Appreciate your useful comments.
13 Mar, 2015
It's the historic system called ridge and furrow (England) or run rig (Scotland)
Pre-dates the agricultural revolution and remains of the system can be seen dotted about the countryside- Leicestershire has some great examples that can still be seen in the landscape 500+ years later on.
13 Mar, 2015
13 Mar, 2015