By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Replanting advice please. I filled a double walled border last autum and as I am an impatient gardener I then planted with eumoymus, lavender, asters and primulas. However, as predicted the soil has settled to far down. I need to top up the border but when? The lavender survived the winter as did everything else including a small Hebe. The asters are showing new growth.
13 Mar, 2015
yes I agree that's all you can do really if you want to keep the plants you have. As they are only just coming into growth then now is as good a time as ever.
13 Mar, 2015
hello, As it is now time to plant perennials, just lift the plants already in situe, refill the border and replant at the new level. Don't forget to water the plants once planted.
13 Mar, 2015