By Nettiebean
United Kingdom
What is the latest treatment to control whitefly. I missed the name given on last week's programme.
16 Mar, 2015
I wasn't aware there was a new treatment - also, are you talking about plants in a greenhouse or outdoors? There's certainly a treatment called Eradicoat, a contact natural pesticide, but it doesn't completely clear an infestation, needs repeat treatments. Otherwise, its the usual 'encarsia' treatment released directly into a greenhouse.
18 Mar, 2015
Don't know about what was on telly but this stuff works
not cheap but lasts a long time.
Also, Decis. More difficult to obtain but the best insecticide out there.
19 Mar, 2015
Previous question
Am I looking forward to an answer to this question! Any rose I have grown gets hit very hard by white fly and I have tried almost everything to control it with dismal results.
17 Mar, 2015