By Muddyshoes
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have a panel of trellis with a trough underneath in which to put plants. This year I have tried sweet peas but they do not look good and I dont think they are right for this sort of quite open trellis. Can anyone suggest something I could grow up this trellis (something permanent if possible). I have a couple of clematis in as well at the moment but this have hardly produced any flowers at all. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
17 Jul, 2010
Agree with Louise - its not the trellis, its the trough that's the problem - if its one of those ones you can buy ready made, they're never deep enough for climbers anyway, I can never understand why they sell them with a trellis, unless its just for a moveable privacy screen.
17 Jul, 2010
Thank you to Louise and Bamboo - the trough is about 9 inches planting depth. I dont know the name of the clematis, one is a small white flower and the other quite a large purple one.
Do you have any suggestions for something to climb up the trellis. It is the end panel of our 2 1/2 foot fence nearest to the house, which borders our raised patio.
Thanks for your help so far.
17 Jul, 2010
I can't think of anything permanent that would grow up the trellis from a depth of 9 inches except Ivy,possibly, but you could try temporary summer climbers such as climbing nasturtium, they might tolerate it.
17 Jul, 2010
17 Jul, 2010
Previous question
What depth is the trough ?
It would have to be fairly deep to allow the plants roots to establish properly, i'd think a depth of 12" minimum, especially for Clematis and Roses, so too Lathyrus i believe.
I have my Lathyrus growing up an obelisk, so like you, it's a very 'open' area to grow up .... mine's doing fine up it so i wouldn't think your wide trellis' nature would be a problem.
Which Clematis do you have there ?
17 Jul, 2010