United Kingdom
Hi all
I'm having trouble with my Japanese maple. As you can see from the pic half of it is fit and healthy and the other all woody looking. It was like this last year too. The woody half doesn't bear any leaves either. It was potted in era caseous compost three years back.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction. I have other maples and they are all fine.
Thanks everybody.

28 Mar, 2015
Thanks for your quick reply.
I will probably loose two thirds of the tree right back to the trunk as that is where the wood starts, is it still ok to cut it all off?
28 Mar, 2015
I would think so Mark..but wait to see if you get any further advice first..That is just my opinion,so I could be wrong,as I've not had a problem with mine....yet!
28 Mar, 2015
It's fine to just cut out the dead wood. Mine (in a pot for 24 years) has become quite one-sided, but still looks great.
28 Mar, 2015
You do need to cut out the dead branches. Acers grow quite quickly, so not something to worry about.
They do die back like that for all sorts of reasons - too little water, too much, too little feed, wind damage etc.
28 Mar, 2015
Definitely needs the dead wood cutting out - that will give the productive wood a bit more room.
28 Mar, 2015
Thank you everybody.
The general consensus seems to be to cut it all back. So tomorrow it will have a short back and sides. Any tips when cutting back?
Cheers guys
28 Mar, 2015
Just give it a clean cut,as far down as you can,and as Urbanite said,it will let more air to the good part..good luck :o)
28 Mar, 2015
Sowing scissors are good for getting in to the trunk and making a clean cut. It happens to most peoples' Acers...I have seen some use nail clippers and tweezers to prune back dead parts of Acers!
28 Mar, 2015
.If it was like this last year,as you say,I would cut the dead branches off...they aren't likely to have any new foliage on now..
28 Mar, 2015