By Stevebb5
United Kingdom
Hello i am looking for a small hardy flowering shrub for my front garden which gets very little direct sunlight and i live on the coast so windy conditions are quite frequent any ideas please
31 Mar, 2015
How about Daphne mezereum or D.m. alba (red or white flowers and berries). They flower early, March and April then carry berries the same colour as the flowers in late summer. Whilst I live 2 miles from the sea they do very well in our exposed garden.
31 Mar, 2015
Pieris Forest Flame. Evergreen, shade tolerant, racemes of white flowers about now and the new leaves are red. Its amenable to heavy pruning. No flowers in summer but you could grow one or two hardy blue geraniums under it which would flower then. And as they disappear in winter put some of the smaller daffodils there as well.
1 Apr, 2015
welcome to GOY. there are lots that will be happy and if they get too big are easily pruned. my favs would be Skimmia, Acuba, Escallonia, Deutzia, Mahonia, Camellia.
They are all hardy and my mum grew them in her NE garden 500yds from the beach. Many have different coloured flowers and size of plant. So have a look at the plants grown by members on here. scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the letter of the plant you are looking at and then have a browse.
31 Mar, 2015