By Julio
I bought a cordyline last year wrapped it up like it said to do
Just checked it today and at the end of the lleafs are
Split and like brown dead bits, is this frost bite?
Shall I cut them off?
31 Mar, 2015
probably damage from the previous years growth. by all means snip the dead bits off.
welcome to Goy by the way.
31 Mar, 2015
Good previous advice. I wouldn't wrap them as this can add mildew and leaf rotting. Best to keep a good air flow. Don't cut the leaves, leave them and as the new growth takes over the old damaged leaves will die and can be cut or pulled off whichever is your preference.
31 Mar, 2015
You really do not need to wrap up Cordylines unless really low temperatures (sustained temps below -5C) are forecast - and last time that happened was in 2010. They are also relatively wind resistant and grow all you have wasted your time wrapping them.
Cordylines lose the lower leaves, as long as the crown is healthy looking and has fresh leaves it should be fine.
31 Mar, 2015