By Patriciamarr
West Lothian,
United Kingdom
I have had a camellia in a large pot for several years and although it looks healthy it has never flowered. Is the problem the fact that it is in a pot? Any advice would be welcomed.
7 Apr, 2015
Many thanks for prompt reply. There doesn't appear to be a variety on original note but it flowers May/June.
8 Apr, 2015
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Being in a pot is not at all a problem so long as you keep the camellia well-watered especially when it is forming flower buds in summer.
If it's been in the pot for a while it might benefit from a feed - slow release camellia/rhododendron/azalea feed now and again in June/July OR use specialist liquid feed such as Trehane Camellia Focus exactly as the instructions on the bottle.
Do you know which variety of camellia you have?
7 Apr, 2015