United Kingdom
evergreen climber on north facing wall
- 18 Jul, 2010
I have Pileostegia viburnoides, which does flower, too. It clings to the wall... and there's an evergreen climbing hydrangea - I think its name is Hydrangea seemannii...very like H. petiolaris, but evergreen...
18 Jul, 2010
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Only climber I can think of that's both evergreen and will cope with a north facing wall is Hedera (ivy) varieties. Alternatively, you could use what's known as a wall shrub, which is shrub that will sort of grow up close to the wall without clinging, and can be pruned back to keep it against the wall, things like Pyracantha, Euonymus and the larger Cotoneasters (choose carefully, not all Cotoneasters are evergreen).
18 Jul, 2010