By Latiniandrea
Poole, United Kingdom
Hi I have pas on the my garden the beans plant and I notice that the life are not healthy change the color to yellow and part rinco like old skin sin to my are not grow and some have all in the middle of life you can see from the attach picture. my email is latiniandrea@sky .com
- 10 Apr, 2015
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I would've said they've probably got a bit cold. Beans shouldn't really be outside until the end of may...or until the risk of frost has gone, and we've had air and ground frosts all last week.
They'll be's only a bit of leaf scorch and they'll grow out of it but if we continue getting frosts or cold nights, they might just give up altogether.
Of course, if you've put them straight outside in the lovely sunshine we've had all week, it could be a bit of sun scorch too.
As for the colouring of the leaves, beans are very heavy feeders. Mine went like that last year and i gave them a 1/4 strength liquid feed every time i watered them. They coloured up and started growing after about 2 weeks.
Good luck
11 Apr, 2015